
Welcome to the home of MetaTalks Podcast. This weekly podcast is a continuing open conversation and dialogue between two friends, @eljeppy and @alachia. Frequent conversations will pertain to the online world we call the "meta' and its cultural emergings. You will notice also that our shows are recorded in binaural format so it is highly recommend you listen using headphones rather than speakers. It's an experiment we are trying out to better enhance the "space" and experience of listening to podcasts online. Read more about who we are »

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MetaTalks#5: Us Them you

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Please remember this is a binaurally recorded podcast so headphones are HIGHLY recommended for maximum listening experience. You can subscribe here or )

After a long break, MetaTalks returns with Alachia and Jeppy and a new format to the show. We play catch-up and discuss everything from depression to learning French to the cutest dog in the world to American Football to this fall's boob tube shows to the fallacies of Social Networking.

~Current Conversation:
Us: Life as a Nutter, Je ne parle pas français, Daisy, American Football from a British Fan, and 1x01s TV shows

Them: The delusions and illusions of social networking and friendships. Is it just me or do people really not want to be social?

You: Nothing yet! Hopefully something next week!

~Links related to the conversation:
*The Short Lifespan of a Tweet: Retweets Only Happen Within the First Hour: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/the_short_lifespan_of_a_tweet_retweets_only_happen.php
*Social Media Demographics:
*Metatalk's Gtalk Partchat:
Just add metatalks@partychapp.appspotchat.com to your gtalk friends list

~Closing Song
Jahselle- Infatuation (Hidden Souls Album)
Binaural Recording Track: (in case you're wondering where we "are" in this Episode)
This week we're having lunch outside at the Shady Grove in central Austin, Texas.

Google Buzz Link to Episode 5: