
Welcome to the home of MetaTalks Podcast. This weekly podcast is a continuing open conversation and dialogue between two friends, @eljeppy and @alachia. Frequent conversations will pertain to the online world we call the "meta' and its cultural emergings. You will notice also that our shows are recorded in binaural format so it is highly recommend you listen using headphones rather than speakers. It's an experiment we are trying out to better enhance the "space" and experience of listening to podcasts online. Read more about who we are »

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MetaTalks Napodpomo #12: Little Known Facts Part II

Monday, November 15, 2010

MetaTalks NaPodPoMo Presents: 
Little Known Facts Part II

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Metatalks NaPodPoMo continues with  Part II of Little Known Facts. This section takes us from Athens to Egypt and covering everything from porn, drugs, and nekkidness. Part III continues in the next "NaPodPoMo" Episode!

Correction: We say Part III will continue in the next episode but it will actually be released Tuesday the 16th, not Monday the 15th. Two episodes from this one. :)

Jeppy's Facebook Post:
270 Hurley +1
0 Sawyer -1

Sawyer stood (shirtless) in the jungle clearing and surveyed the bodies of his fallen comrades. Who could have done this  he thought - polar bears? the others?. Suddenly his ears focused on a low hum coming from the jungle path and his eyes

darted left and right for somewhere to hide. Before he could move however an orange and white blur raced out from the

trees and struck him hard. real hard. As his body sailed through the air he thought of the life he had led and regretted

not one minute. No not even Ana Lucia. His body hit the ground and he knew his end had come. Breathing his last breath he wondered if it would be heaven or hell for him and which one he would find Kate in.

Hurley clambered down from the VW van and shook out his fine mop of curley hair. He Slowly counted the bodies and whistled softly to himself.

"Dude that took like forever"

For a moment there was complete silence and then as if from everywhere a voice rumbled

"You have done well my son"

Hurley smiled and pulled a battered Apollo bar from his pocket which he ate in two bites. Sitting heavily on the ground he carefully removed his shoes. He was glad the island was proud. He smiled as he contemplated the caves full of rations hidden away and wriggled his 4 toes in joy.

The End

Napodpomo: Calendar

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*MetaTalks Napodpomo Calendar Share
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*Metatalk's Gtalk Partchat:
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Google Buzz Link to the MetaTalks NaPodPoMo Little Known Facts Part II:


  1. Shawn said...

    I remember trying to watch those scrambled channels. If you had an old-style converter box with a tuning knob, you could almost get a watchable image. Audio was usually clear, though.

    Hmmmm. After reading what I just typed, I've realized that I may remember a little *too much* about this process...