Hi folks,
The month of November is over and we succeeded in completing sixteen episodes of Napodpomo. It was definitely a worthwhile experience and we learned so much from the experiment. We've come up with many new shows formats and had immense pleasure in the community feedback and participation (major bonus!).
We've decided to finish out all of the planned episodes during the next few months at a much more reasonable pace. :) We will still be continuing with the weekly MetaTalks shows but will add in a new feature called TSI, The Space In-between (so very TNG sounding hehe). TSI will cover all sorts of supplemental shows and even more experimentation to cover everything we don't catch in our regular shows.
Expect some Christmas carols, binaural Jeppy wetting his pants as I pop firecrackers for the New Years, and general misbehavior all around.
Thanks for supporting us throughout.. we hope you continue to join our conversations!
*INSIDE YOU-aaaZXYAAA!!!-You Spin me Right Round!*
-Alachia & Jeppy
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